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還幼 凝顏水 5ml x15 
面部護理, 養膚水, 抗老修護, 彈力活膚, 細紋 / 皺紋, 補濕舒緩

曆經15年山蔘研究 蘊含26萬小時的秘密終誕生
全新還幼凝顏水,以蘊含26萬小時長生秘密的山蔘全草,與約70種韓方成分來調理正行締造還幼肌膚之基礎,凝聚了后韓方研究所的技術力量,為女生們提升肌膚平衡狀態,為的是重返童顏,由培育肌膚環境開始。通過完善山蔘研究來締造還幼肌膚,不僅含有還幼核心成分的山蔘全草丸,還添加了曆經15年山蔘研究才開發出的 Imperial Ginsenium成分,可先行調理出實現童顏的肌膚環境,從還幼肌膚之基礎開始鞏固,從而提升還幼珍稀成分滋補肌膚的效能,亦同時抗衡自然界急劇變化的力量來源,目的是即使肌膚面對著越趨嚴酷的環境變化與意料之外的各種外在刺激因素,阻止肌膚狀態加速老化。

還幼凝顏水以強化肌膚基礎三步驟 ,成就豐富保濕力與光滑彈力感的奢養凝顏水;
強化肌膚屏障**** 採用肌膚脂質膜類似成分 ,鞏固肌膚根基,提升肌膚密度
強化水份傳遞 運用自然保濕系統,將豐沛水分傳遞至肌膚,提升鎖水力
強化保濕保護膜**** 使用水分親和油性成份柔和地包裹肌膚,打造細滑的肌膚紋理

91.7% 持久水潤
90.0% 持久亮澤
88.3% 持久滋潤、柔滑細軟
90.0% 用家感到滿意
*60位25-55歲(平均年齡為35歲)女性,於2021年6月27日至7月10日使用後的滿意度測試結果,測試機構為Global Research

1. 取適量於掌心後,深聞香氣,均勻呼吸。
2. 順著肌理從面部內側開始向外側輕柔塗抹開。
3. 不要輕拍,而是以輕揉的手法塗抹,收尾時雙手掩面以促進吸收。

還幼 凝顏水 The History Of Whoo Imperial Youth Balancer

SKU: 100009
  • 還幼 凝顏水 5ml x15 
    面部護理, 養膚水, 抗老修護, 彈力活膚, 細紋 / 皺紋, 補濕舒緩

    曆經15年山蔘研究 蘊含26萬小時的秘密終誕生
    全新還幼凝顏水,以蘊含26萬小時長生秘密的山蔘全草,與約70種韓方成分來調理正行締造還幼肌膚之基礎,凝聚了后韓方研究所的技術力量,為女生們提升肌膚平衡狀態,為的是重返童顏,由培育肌膚環境開始。通過完善山蔘研究來締造還幼肌膚,不僅含有還幼核心成分的山蔘全草丸,還添加了曆經15年山蔘研究才開發出的 Imperial Ginsenium成分,可先行調理出實現童顏的肌膚環境,從還幼肌膚之基礎開始鞏固,從而提升還幼珍稀成分滋補肌膚的效能,亦同時抗衡自然界急劇變化的力量來源,目的是即使肌膚面對著越趨嚴酷的環境變化與意料之外的各種外在刺激因素,阻止肌膚狀態加速老化。

    還幼凝顏水以強化肌膚基礎三步驟 ,成就豐富保濕力與光滑彈力感的奢養凝顏水;
    強化肌膚屏障**** 採用肌膚脂質膜類似成分 ,鞏固肌膚根基,提升肌膚密度
    強化水份傳遞 運用自然保濕系統,將豐沛水分傳遞至肌膚,提升鎖水力
    強化保濕保護膜**** 使用水分親和油性成份柔和地包裹肌膚,打造細滑的肌膚紋理

    91.7% 持久水潤
    90.0% 持久亮澤
    88.3% 持久滋潤、柔滑細軟
    90.0% 用家感到滿意
    *60位25-55歲(平均年齡為35歲)女性,於2021年6月27日至7月10日使用後的滿意度測試結果,測試機構為Global Research

    1. 取適量於掌心後,深聞香氣,均勻呼吸。
    2. 順著肌理從面部內側開始向外側輕柔塗抹開。
    3. 不要輕拍,而是以輕揉的手法塗抹,收尾時雙手掩面以促進吸收。

  • Imperial Youth Balancer 5ml x15 Face Care, Balancer / Toner, Anti-Aging, Elasticity, Fine Lines / Wrinkles, Hydration & Soothing 15 Years of Research on Wild Ginseng to Reveal the Secret of its Power Harnessing the power of wild ginseng grown for more than 260,000 hours and around 70 precious herbal ingredients, the reinvented formulas developed by Whoo research institute in Korea can support cellular recovery at the beginning of the skin cycle, creating an environment that rebalances the skin and reveals its youthfulness. The Imperial Youth Balancer is enriched with not only the whole wild ginseng, but also the Imperial Ginsenium (developed after 15 years of research on wild ginseng), to rejuvenate the skin. Imperial Ginsenium can reinforce the foundation of youthful skin, enhancing the effectiveness of the precious and rare ingredients. Skin is nourished from within to combat increasingly severe environmental challenges and various unexpected external stressors, preventing the acceleration of skin aging. In just 3 steps, Hwanyu Imperial Youth Balancer can strengthen the skin from within to provide long-lasting hydration and elasticity: Reinforce skin��s protective barriers: uses ingredients mimicking the skin��s lipid membrane to strengthen the basal layer and increase skin density Reinforce moisture transfer: uses the skin��s natural aquaporin system to deliver abundant moisture to the skin and enhance moisture retention Reinforce the moisturising and protective ****film: uses hydrophilic oil ingredients to gently wrap the skin, creating a smooth texture HOW TO USE 1. Put an appropriate amount on the palm, and take a deep breath to enjoy the aroma and begin your Hwanyu Imperial Youth journey. 2. Gently spread towards the side of the face, following the texture of the skin. 3. Do not pat. Gently massage it into the skin before coveringyour face with both hands to increase absorption.
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