拱辰享 活膚精華 1ml x120
面部護理, 精華 / 安瓶, 彈力活膚蘊含拱辰秘丹、山蔘冬蟲夏草及天然橄欖油等成分,為肌膚帶來長效保濕及大量營養,調理肌膚血氣同時改善膚質。拱辰享氣津精華中的山蔘冬蟲夏草,能夠幫助肌膚清濁養陰,可以激發代謝活力,讓肌膚加快吐濁排積,排出沉積的毒素。配合宮廷秘方拱辰秘丹,含鹿茸、當歸、山茱萸、五加皮、天門冬等中藥成分,能促進肌膚血液循環,提供大量營養,幫助肌膚固本培元,修復受損,提升肌膚防禦力和自我修復能力,令肌膚光滑幼嫩,賦予彈性。
拱辰享 活膚精華 The History Of Whoo Intensive Nutritive Essence
庫存單位: 100016
拱辰享 活膚精華 1ml x120
面部護理, 精華 / 安瓶, 彈力活膚蘊含拱辰秘丹、山蔘冬蟲夏草及天然橄欖油等成分,為肌膚帶來長效保濕及大量營養,調理肌膚血氣同時改善膚質。拱辰享氣津精華中的山蔘冬蟲夏草,能夠幫助肌膚清濁養陰,可以激發代謝活力,讓肌膚加快吐濁排積,排出沉積的毒素。配合宮廷秘方拱辰秘丹,含鹿茸、當歸、山茱萸、五加皮、天門冬等中藥成分,能促進肌膚血液循環,提供大量營養,幫助肌膚固本培元,修復受損,提升肌膚防禦力和自我修復能力,令肌膚光滑幼嫩,賦予彈性。
使用養膚水後,取適量塗抹於全面,最後用手掌輕輕拉提面部曲線,反覆按摩3次,提升改善緊實輪廓的效果。- Intensive Nutritive Essence 1ml x120 Face Care, Essence / Ampoule, Elasticity With a complex mixture of ingredients including GongJinBiDan, ginseng and cordyceps (which can stimulate metabolism and aid the skin's detoxification), and olive oil, the Gongjinhyang Intensive Nutritive Essence can bring long-lasting hydration and nourishment to the skin, boosting blood circulation and improving complexion. Fortified with deer antler, angelica, dogwood, acanthopanax, asparagus and other traditional oriental herbal ingredients, GongJinBiDan (based on an esoteric court formula in ancient Korea) helps to strengthen the skin, repair damage, and improve the skin's defences and self-healing abilities, to stay smooth, supple and full of bounce. HOW TO USE After using balancer. Take an appropriate amount of Gongjinhyang Intensicve Nutritive Essence and gently apply all over the face with your palm. Massage with your palm in upwards lifting motion 3 times for a more prominent result of firming.